About Support Dog Training
Our Support Dog Programs are tailored to each individual need. Whether you're looking for training for Therapy, Emotional Support or Service Dogs, Central Wisconsin K-9 is here to help.
Although Therapy Dogs, Emotional Support Dogs, and Service Dogs are all proven to provide positive mental and physical services for humans, there is a distinct difference between the three. Knowing and understanding the difference between the three types of support animals is the first step in developing the right training plan.
Therapy Dogs
These animals are not protected under any act such as the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) or Fair Housing Amendment Act (FHAA). Business owners and landlords must grant access in order for the animal to enter the premises.
Therapy dogs are most often used in settings such as hospitals, nursing homes schools and provide comfort and affection to individuals in need. Central Wisconsin K-9 offers programs custom tailored to provide the right kind of training for your dog to become the perfect therapy companion.
Emotional Support Dogs
These animals are protected under the Fair Housing Amendment Act (FHAA), however, landlords are allowed to request a written document from a licensed physician stating that the dog is providing a benefit to the patient. The FHAA only protects Emotional Support Dogs from discrimination against housing, but nothing else. Like Therapy Dogs, business owners must grant permission for the animal to enter the premises.
Emotional Support Dogs are a great asset to many who struggle with emotional or psychological disorders. Our team offers canine training for individuals seeking emotional support with the following:​
Panic Attacks
Bipolar/Mood Disorders
Other Emotional / Psychological Disorders
Service Dogs
These animals are protected by Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), provided the dog is well behaved and the handler has full control of the dog. Service Dogs are allowed anywhere that the general public is allowed. Service Dogs are trained to do a particular task for an individual with a disability. For example, an amputee may not be able to turn on a light switch, so a Service Dog can be trained to perform that task for them.
Therapy Dogs and Emotional Support Dogs do not perform a particular task for a person, but rather provide companionship and support for people. While therapy dogs and emotional support dogs provide a very valuable service, they do not require the extensive amount of specialized training that Service Dogs do.
Central Wisconsin K-9 offers the following training programs for Service Dogs.
Diabetic Alert
Mobility Assistance
Seizure Alert
Seizure Response
Autism Support
Allergen Detection
Psychiatric Support
Varies per program, need and individual dog. Contact us to learn more.
Questions about this program or any other? We're here to help. Contact us.